For the 2024 season, we're thrilled to introduce several exciting new exhibits
that delve deeper into City Island's maritime heritage.
Join us in exploring:
'Sailmakers of City Island'
Curated by sail makers Greg and Jimmy Italiano and Tom Nye, this exhibit offers a fascinating glimpse into the artistry and craftsmanship of City Island's famous sail lofts, showcasing not only their traditional skills and techniques but also the creativity involved in designing sails adorned with cartoon characters and specialty designs.

'Hart Island History'
Curated by Barbara Dolensek, this exhibit sheds light on the history and significance of Hart Island, spanning from its use as a training ground for the United States Colored Troops in 1864 to serving as New York City’s potter's field for individual and mass burials. Hart Island has seen various incarnations, including a Civil War prison camp, psychiatric institution, tuberculosis sanatorium, homeless shelter, boys' reformatory, jail, and drug-rehabilitation center.
'Navigation and Hell Gate Pilots'
Curated by Dick Sadler and Mike Clancy, this exhibit explores the vital role of navigation and the brave pilots who navigated the challenging waters of the Hell Gate. Dick Sadler is an experienced navigator whose father worked for the Hell Gate pilots, and Mike Clancy recently retired from the Army Corps of Engineers.